Premier chorus of the Pikes Peak Region
Sixth Annual X-VOX Festival
Summit Ensemble of the Colorado Springs Children's Chorale
Chamber Orchestra of the Springs
Sunday, April 15, 2018 at 3:00 P.M.
ENT Center for the Arts
Tickets: $15 adults, $5 students
The Chamber Singers and the Summit Ensemble of the Colorado Springs Children's Chorale host the 6th Annual X-VOX: Generations Joined in Song. X-VOX is a large part of the Chamber Singers' outreach to younger singers in the Pikes Peak region, giving students the opportunity to sing a major work with orchestra. Festival participants include Air Academy High School, Fountain-Fort Carson High School, Peyton High School, Pine Creek High School and Pikes Peak Community College.
The festival weekend culminates in a public performance of Ola Gjeilo's Sunrise Mass, performed with the Chamber Orchestra of the Springs, at the Shockley-Zalabak Theater at the Ent Center for the Arts.

Chamber Singers of the Chorale
Colorado Springs Children's Chorale
Kimberley Schultz