Premier chorus of the Pikes Peak Region
Wednesday, May 21, 2025
6:00 - 10:00 pm
Audition Requirements
Auditions are private and last approximately eight minutes. During your audition, you will be asked to do the following:
Sing one prepared selection. Click here for detailed information.
Vocalize simple scales to determine voice range.
Sight read a choral piece in 4 parts, singing your own voice part. The piece will be accompanied to provide support.
Demonstrate adaptability and flexibility in learning new music through sight singing, rhythm reading, and singing back intervals that will be played for you on the piano.
Choosing a Prepared Song
Please note the following guidelines when selecting your prepared music selection:
Present an aria or song from an opera, oratorio, or cantata (sacred or secular), an art song, or a concert arrangement of a folk song, hymn, or Broadway excerpt.
Your selection MUST NOT exceed 2 1/2 minutes. We will politely ask you to stop if your song is longer.
Your selection need not be in a foreign language or be memorized.
Do not use selections straight from a hymnal. Despite their beauty, hymns utilize a limited vocal range.
No “pop songs,” please.
Your performance song MUST be accompanied by our accompanist. No a cappella performances.
Do not ask the accompanist to transpose your music. Your piece must be printed in the key you wish to sing.
One week before your audition, you will be asked to email a scanned or digital copy of your music.
Please bring a copy of your music for your own use.
If you have any questions regarding an appropriate selection, do not hesitate to email.
Scheduling Your Audition
All auditions are by appointment. Audition dates will be announced soon. Please complete the form under Step Two, and you will be emailed when scheduling begins.
Please complete all of the following steps. If you need assistance, please email
Note about scheduling: Step two of the scheduling process will take you to our ticketing software, BetterWorld, to choose a time slot for your audition. The timeslots will appear to be tickets. Choose a time that works for you, and set the quantity dropdown box to 1. You will need to create a BetterWorld account to schedule your audition.
Should you choose a later time slot, you may be asked to audition earlier in the evening if there is a gap in the schedule before your appointment.
If you need to cancel your audition, please email
Step One
Add to your "safe contacts" list. All correspondence will be via email. Let's make sure it isn't in your spam box.
About Chorale Membership
Rehearsal Schedule
Membership dues for a season are $150. Singers are also responsible for purchasing their music for each concert (between $6 and $40/concert. Some concert music is loaned at no cost.) Singers must purchase Chorale concert attire -- tuxedo for men, official Chorale dress and sweater for ladies. Attire cost is around $130. Money should never be the reason a singer can not join us, and we happily offer financial assistance and payment plans to make membership easier.
Season Schedule
Our performing season runs from approximately late August to late May or early June. Every concert season schedule is quite varied. The Chorale produces at least two concerts per year -- one in fall, one in spring. We also perform with community partners like the Colorado Springs Philharmonic, who set their own schedule and graciously include us for guest performances.
Frequently Asked Questions
"How do I practice rhythm?"
Visit this site to access rhythmic sight reading examples. The rhythmic sight reading in the audition will look similar to this website's practice exercises and will reflect a level 2 or 3 in difficulty.
"What will the sight reading look like?"
You will sight read your own voice part, reading from a choral piece using standard notation for choir in 4 parts. There will be piano accompaniment to provide support.
"I can't read music. What should I do?"
While learning music by ear is a valuable skill, your audition must demonstrate some facility with reading music. You do not have to be note perfect! There are many apps you can download to your phone that will help you hone your reading skills. You can also check out for video lessons on sight reading.
"Why is it required for me to sing my prepared piece with accompaniment?"
A cappella singing allows for ambiguity about tuning and rhythmic accuracy. Singing with an accompanist provides a better indication of your collaborative skills as a musician.
"Can I use a choral piece for my audition song?"
This is not recommended, but we will accept it as long as the piece is accompanied and clearly demonstrates your range and vocal skill.
"I have questions! Who should I ask?"
Email Jamie Grandy at or call 719-634-3737. She can answer any questions you might have. She can help you with scheduling issues or help you cancel or move an audition.
"Who will be at my audition?"
You will check in with Jamie Grandy. Your audition will be private -- just you, artistic director Adam Torres, and accompanist, Joe Galema, in the room.
Audition Location
First United Methodist CHurch
420 N Nevada Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Parking: Please park in the North lot across St Vrain St. The main entrance to the building is under the awning. If you have mobility issues, you are welcome to park in the lot attached to the church on the North side of the building.
Vocal Coaches