Premier chorus of the Pikes Peak Region
The Colorado Springs Chorale
"Peak Performance Award for Excellence in Choral Education"
Each year the Chorale honors an exceptional high school teacher in the region who has inspired students and encouraged them to continue with their love of choral music study and performance. The “Peak Performance Award for Excellence in Choral Education” includes a cash award and an engraved plaque. A traveling plaque is also presented to that teacher's school for display.
Past winners include:
2011 – Dawn Wisdom, Cheyenne Mountain High School
2012 – George Douthit, Lewis Palmer High School
2013 – MaryAnn Brylleslyper, Discovery Canyon Campus
2014 - Jeffrey Hodur, Coronado High School
2015 - Lisa Darland, Widefield High School
2016 - Scott Christiansen, Mesa Ridge High School
2017 – Paula Baack, Air Academy High School
2018 - Jeff Peckham, Palmer High School
2019 - Shawna Beeler, Vista Ridge High School
2020 - MaryAnn Brylleslyper, Palmer Ridge High School

$500 Cash Prize underwritten by Meeker Music