Premier chorus of the Pikes Peak Region
Deck The Hall
Colorado Springs Chorale
Friday, December 8, 2017 at 7:30 p.m.
Pikes Peak Center
Tickets: $15 - $50 On Sale Now
The Chorale welcomes the Summit Ensemble and Pikes Peak Singers of the Colorado Springs Children's Chorale as special guests for this beloved annual celebration of the season. These fine ensembles and their conductors Kimberley Schultz and Victoria Lipscomb will join Deborah Jenkins Teske and the Chorale in a holiday choral extravaganza for the whole family. The program features Benjamin Britten's beloved A Ceremony of Carols, as well as traditional carols from around the world and musical selections from favorite Christmas stories—including How The Grinch Stole Christmas. The Grinch himself will appear on our stage!
KCME's Jana Lee Ross will read a delightful excerpt from Kenneth Grahame’s classic The Wind In The Willows, and the Chorale is thrilled to feature the captivating artwork of Colorado Springs illustrator and author Michael Hague for this performance, as his delightful images of Rat, Mole, and the field-mice carolers are projected onto a large screen above the stage. Young and old can expect a rich feast for the imagination and the senses!

Illustration by Michael Hague from A Wind in the Willows Christmas
© 2000 used by kind permission. All Rights Reserved.

KCME's Jana Lee Ross, guest storyteller
Colorado Springs Children's Chorale
Deborah Jenkins Teske
artistic director and conductor